The power of Love



Love is freedom’s widest breath.

Love is respecting dignity.

Love is heeding yourself and heeding the silences of those next to you.

Love is opening up the doors to your heart to those who ask for help.

Love is moving legs and hands to aid.

Love is never sated because every day you meet people needing sanctuary.

Love is having other people’s happiness at heart with no claim to judge.

Love is not for sale and you cannot ask for it to be purchased cheaply.

Love needs for you to move it inside you. You must be the one to love your life and that of the people around you. There is no wrong road if chosen and walked in the name of love.

Love does not mean holding someone’s life in your hands but allowing them to take free flight with two large wings that reach beyond the dark clouds.

Love is not killing dreams, it is not denying that things can change.

Because love means not being satisfied with merely surviving, whatever our previous life’s victories, defeats and sufferings. Love is not losing hope for a life filled with joy. Love is not closing the door to a glimmer of light.

Love is seeing a Father hugging his child, letting him go free, to have his own experiences, and to find himself on his own path, and awaits him every time he returns home. He awaits him with the heart of those who know how to wait, respect, welcome, and love.

Love is watching a Mother picking up her child every time he falls, knowing one day he will learn to walk by himself, with his own legs, his own determination, courage and perseverance.

Love is the hand of a child holding that of her parent on a hospital bed accompanying her all the way to the end.

Love cannot be given and resented later.

Love, when true, is free, does not expect anything in return, does not ask for explanations.

Love is an act of gratuitousness that makes a man great.

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Posted on 25/11/2016 in Never Lose Hope

Written by Samuel Colombo

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